Minasligas’ productive activities started on March 14, 1980 with the operation of a 15 MVA reduction furnace, whose production capacity was 35 tons/day or 12,000 tons/year of 75% Ferro Silicon.
After its first year of operation, an expansion project was developed and it included the installation of three new 15 MVA furnaces for the production of Ferro Silicon 75%, increasing the production capacity to 48,000 tons/year.
In 1988 Minasligas diversified its production to the product Silicon Metal with the construction of the fifth furnace with a capacity of 18,000 t/year. In 1996 the company continued to invest and doubled the production capacity of Silicon Metal with the installation of the sixth furnace.
In the 2000s, it implemented the project to modernize the furnace transformers, increasing the power from 15 MVA to 18.75 MVA, increasing the productive capacity of Ferro Silicon 75% to 60,000t/year and Silicon Metal to 20,000t/year.