Complaint Channel

Complaint Channel

Valuing good corporate governance and linked to the best market practices, Minasligas offers a Complaint Channel aiming to simplify the communication and the reporting of any irregularities by employees or other parties involved.

It is important that your report is submitted in a frank manner, providing details and information that will help in the investigation of the situation presented. If you prefer, you have the option of sending the information anonymously.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Complaint Channel?

The Complaint Channel is a means of communication where employees, suppliers, clients, and other stakeholders may report any irregularities in the company.

Who can submit a complaint?

Anyone who has knowledge of irregularities or suspicions of irregularities, fraud, or conduct related to the actions of employees or third-party contractors.

What can I report?

Irregularities or suspicions. For instance:
• Violation of Minasligas’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and/or procedures;
• Discrimination and/or abusive practices;
• Falsifying or tampering with documents;
• Moral or sexual harassment;
• Receiving bribes, kickbacks, or undue advantages;
• Illicit use of company assets or resources.

Is it necessary to identify myself to file a complaint?

The complaint can be made anonymously or identified. If you choose to identify yourself, your identity will be kept confidential.

How is the process of investigating complaints?

Once received, the complaint is evaluated by a committee, which will assess whether the report and facts described are consistent and well-founded. If the committee judges the report to be coherent, they will investigate, assess and, if applicable, hold the involved ones responsible or punish them.
It is worth noting that the time frame for investigation will depend on the type of report and its complexity.

Will I get a follow-up on the report?

If you have filled in a contact form, you will be notified whenever the status of the complaint is updated.

How can I access the Minasligas's Code of Ethics and Conduct?

The document is available on the website, in the menu “Transparency” or it can be accessed by clicking here.

Fill out the form below to submit a report.

Do I want to reveal myself?